Android - Programas


Autor Victorix

Developed in 2013

Language English Portuguese

What for

To convert between different currencies when you visit another country with different money.

How it works

Set the exchange rate between the two currencies: currencyOne and currencyTwo

When you change the value of currencyOne the value of currencyTwo changes accordingly. The same happens when you change currencyTwo, the value of currencyOne shows the new converted value.

How to Configure

Download Cambix into your device.

Select on your device the Cambix icon

Change the value in Euros and check the converted value in Escudos.


Change the value of Escudos and check the converted value in Euros.

The exchange rate of the currencies Euro - Escudos has been fixed for ever. But any other value can be set as an exchnge rate.

The currency names can also be changed so that it is easier to identify the currencies.

The table at the end shows fixed factors that can be used for notes. In this example 5 Danish Krone is equivalent to 5.44 Yuan and 5 Yuan are 4.59 Danish Krone.

Whenever the aplication ends both currency names and the exchange rate is saved in the following file:



What is needed

Cambix does not need nothing else to work.

Cambix does not send data out of your device or communicates with any other aplication.


Install Cambix

Clique on the Cambix icon

Change the exchange currency rate setting the new value in Cambio.

Change the name of both currencies.

Whenever you change the value of one of the currencies the other will reflect the convertion by the exchange rate.

You may exit the application at any time.

When the application ends both currency names and the exchange rate is saved in a file.

When Cambix restarts the currency names and the exchange rate is updated with the values of the last session.

Have a nice trip :)


My address is Victorix(a)

Thank you and enjoy!

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